Wednesday, August 10, 2005

"Archbishop Backs Nuns in Pub Fight"

...says a poster advertising today's Oxford Mail.

I didn't buy a copy, so don't know if he was using a broken glass, a chair leg or a copy of the Book of Common Prayer.

Even better images are conjured up by a menu from a Tajik restaurant reported by Flora Roberts in her blog from Afghanistan:

Meat allsorts
Custom-made salad (under a furcoat)
The cooked meat

The first dishes
Lag man (portion)
Lagman (floor of a portion)
The hen broth

The second dishes
Cutlets on Kiev
The forse meat shish kebab
The furnase pies

Potato free

Drinks and juices
Drink from a dogrose

Spirits drink
Vodka “Orion”
Ligueur “Merri Giyoh"

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