Thursday, January 31, 2008


Americans snicker patronizingly as “democratic” Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Singapore, India and Argentina hand over power to a wife or child of a former leader. Yet I can’t find any example of even the most rinky-dink “democracy” confining power continuously for seven terms over 28 years to four people from two families. (And that’s not counting George H.W. Bush’s eight years as vice president.)
-- from Nicholas Kristof on The Dynastic Question.

People sometimes ask about the URL of this blog since '04. ("What's a Jebin?"). Kristof notes that Bush & Clinton Forever proposes Jeb Bush in 2017, Chelsea Clinton in 2025, Jeb Bush’s son George P. Bush in 2033 etc etc.
More than two for the price of one.

On Obama, read Collins and Raban.

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